Easy tips for the avid ( and not so much) cook.
1-Make your own chicken stock and freeze in individual containers. That way, when you want to prepare a recipe (like soup) that requires this ingredient, you can simply pull it out of the freezer.
2-Smelly hands after cutting an onion? DO NOT SCRUB! Place you hands under cold water for about 20 seconds and then wash with soap and rinse.
3-When buying fresh radishes and beets, do not remove the stems and leaves. That way, they won’t wither.
4-Keep herbs fresher longer. Rinse and remove any dirt and place in an airtight plastic bag.
5-Freeze fresh chopped vegetables for quick soups.
6-Do not throw away brown bananas. Freeze them and use them to make smoothies.
7-For flavorful mashed potatoes, boil the potatoes with 1/2 of a small onion. Toss the onion after it is cooked.
Do you have cooking tips that you would like to share with us?
Find me at Johannyc@johannyskitchen.com
Great tips! I didn’t know about the hand washing after cutting onions! One thing I like to do is cook dry beans in the crockpot (1lb bag and 7 1/2 cups water…4hrs high or 6-8hrs low). You can freeze the beans for use in recipes later. It’s cheaper and healthier than canned beans and with a crockpot, it’s super easy! Thanks for the post!!
Yes, I have a post about beans too! Thanks for supporting
Thanks! I have tried everything to preserve fresh herbs, I seem to throw them away after a day or two!
I bought Cilantro a week ago and I still have some!
Great tips! I had no idea about how you get the onion smell from your hands. Also, love the freezing bananas tip.
Thanks Shann for supporting!
Great post, Johanny! I started freezing leftover fruits and vegetables some time ago and I mostly use them for smoothies. 🙂 Thanks for sharing all your great tips!
Thanks Sina!
Wow! This is an awesome post. Thanks for sharing wonderful cooking tips! 🙂